ipfs setup for pelican

To enable pelican's makefile to output ipfs add the following to your makefile


ipfs: html
    ipfs swarm peers >/dev/null || (echo "ipfs daemon must be online to publish" && exit 1)
    ipfs add -r -q $(OUTPUTDIR) | tail -n1 >versions/current
    cat versions/current >>versions/history
    @export hash=`cat versions/current`; \
        echo ""; \
        echo "published website:"; \
        echo "- http://localhost:8080/ipfs/$$hash"; \
        echo "- https://ipfs.io/ipfs/$$hash"; \
        echo ""; \
        echo "next steps:"; \
        echo "- ipfs pin add -r /ipfs/$$hash"; \
        echo "- make ipfsio"; \
ipfs name publish `cat versions/current`

Then be sure to add ipfs to your .PHONY section.

Make sure a directory called versions exists

You should be able to call make ipfs if ipfs daemon is running locally

To have traditional dns resolve your site you then need to set your domains A record to an ipfs gateway and your dns txt record to dnslink=/ipns/ipnshash

Also pin your site to multiple ipfs daemons and use something like cachewarmer to decrease initial load on your servers

To pin use ipfs pin add -r /ipns/QmeMsvVh1yxrMXFyBvoU3QcTdJF2wjkMnteDRk1zkbYRt7 (thats my ipns entry if you'd like to help spread the load)

